FREE EPC checks for Landlords
18th November 2019
Climate change is hot news and we’ve all got a responsibly to do more to contribute to the solution. But for landlords the choice over whether to act has been removed, with rented properties being forced to improve their energy rating (EPC) to E or above by 1 April 2020.
This is the latest in a series of recent government regulations aimed at raising the quality and standard of the growing rental market.
Gerry Mason-Rolls, Operations Director at James Peacock Property based in Stockton Heath explains:
“Having an energy efficient home is great for the environment, but it’s a wider issue too. Well-tended and maintained properties offer a healthier and safer environment for their tenants and prevent issues such as damp which can cost more in the long run. It also helps the tenants of course – greater energy efficiency equals smaller energy bills’.
“We know some landlords might find yet another change in legislation overwhelming so we’re offering new and existing landlords a free EPC check worth £75 and guidance on how to improve their rating in time for the change.”
Further information on the government guidance can be found at